Sunday, 15 March 2015

Facebook facts....

Companies would not survive if they didn’t market themselves.  In today’s marketplace that is impossible to do without incorporating a digital strategy. Some components that must be considered are website development, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click, email marketing and social media marketing.
There are many advantages of utilizing social media for promoting your business.  It is a fast way to spread your message, it can increase your SEO, and it is a direct link to your customers. (, 2013)

All that sounds great but how do you know as a business owner where to focus your efforts.  You obviously can’t be active on all platforms.  It is important to choose a site where your customers are so that you can inform, interact and engage with them. (, n.d.)

As a real estate agent your main goals are brand awareness, lead generation and promotion of available properties.  Sure, you could create Pinterest boards to promote your listings or tweet out open house addresses but you will get the most bang for your buck by being active on Facebook.  Facebook has many advantages.  It is among the most popular social networks and is a relatively low cost way to market your business, share industry information, build brand awareness and interact with your existing clients.

You could easily set up a personal profile or a business page and get started.  However, as a savvy business professional it is worth your while to create a smart marketing posting plan and keep several facts in mind.

·       Follow the 80/20 rule.  80% of your posts should be social and only 20% should pertain to business. (, n.d.)  Constantly posting promotions or business related material could alienate your clients and force them to “unfriend” or “dislike” your business page.  
·       Remember that engagement on Facebook is crucial.  Make sure to respond to any feedback, be in negative or positive in a timely manner.  You don’t want all post to be automated and need to make sure that your “friends” and “fans” realize that there is a real person behind that blue and white screen.
·       Keep your posts short.  Posts with 80 characters receive 66% more engagement (likes and comments) than longer wordy ones. (, n.d.)
·       Facebook posts with a photo generate 120% more engagement than simple text. (, 2013)
·       Use emoticons.  Emoticons make a big difference to your engagement rates.  Not only do posts with emoticons get 33% more comments, they also get shared 33% more often.  As well, they get liked 57% more often than posts that don’t include them. (, 2013)
·       Think about when you are posting.  Thursdays and Fridays will yield an increased engagement of 18% over other days in the week.  (, 2013) Make sure to use analytic tools to measure your posts and their activity.  Consider all variables and react accordingly.  You could be posting relevant, interesting and informative content at the wrong times.

Utilizing Facebook by following posting guidelines can help grow your business.  Invest your time and efforts accordingly.  You won’t get the desired results if you don’t actively seek interesting content and tend to your page and profile regularly.  Let Facebook paint a picture of who you are, what your brand is about and how you can help your customer’s with all their real estate needs.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Social Media Markting Plan

A digital marketing strategy is essential to ensure a thriving business within todays technological society.  As with other aspects of traditional marketing, research and planning are crucial to any successful plan.  The marketer must be aware of the key players and have a clear vision for the desired results.  The environment, business, customers and competitors must all be explored and understood in order to implement the most successful campaigns. (Stokes, 2013)

Most plans are comprised of different methods that attempt to carry forth a similar branded message, essentially the "end goal". The means in which these are achieved are through websites, SEO, online advertising, video marketing and social media.

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest as a marketing tool.  ( n.d) These sites are penetrating into all aspects of society and have recently gained such momentum that it is almost unheard of not to have any online footprints.

Although social media may appear more fly by the seat of your pants the truth is it shouldn't be.  Social media is your voice to promote who you are and how you appear to your customers.  It is your platform to tell a story about who you are and what you believe.

You may be wondering how a social media plan would benefit you as a real estate agent. Typically agents use social media for lead generation, to acquire market knowledge, to build goodwill and promote listings and open houses, and general self promotion. (Van Steenwyk, 2014)

A good social media marketing plan will ensure that you portray yourself positively online. Spend time determining which sites are right for you, Think about how you can connect with your target audience mainly your clients.  Determine which sites can best express your intended message and help you represent your brand.  Communication on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest will have a different look and feel.

One thing that should be consistent is your profile.  Keep profile photos, logos and contact information harmonious.  Take time to carefully craft your image and remember to update and check it regularly.  You could quickly shatter your customer’s perceptions of your abilities if your information is outdated.

Maintain a regular presence online.  Create a plan for what content you want to share.  Mix it up.  Post photos, quotes, and market information that will intrigue and engage your followers and “friends”.  Careful consideration should be put into what and when you are posting. 

Most importantly use analytics to measure the success of your efforts and implement changes and revisions as needed.

Remember the idea is to build confidence among your customers that you are aware of the market and capable to handle their largest asset. That is no easy feat but luckily there are many tools at your disposal that will help you achieve your goals.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

New media marketing for Realtors

Things change...

Real Estate marketing and business management aren't what they used to be.
The world works at a different pace. Things happen and word spreads, and it spreads fast.

Staying updated on industry specific topics will streamline your marketing efforts and keep you relevant in today's instant access society. Real Social will provide pertinent and powerful content to guide your online presence.

Digital marketing strategies, tools and suggestions will be explored and will navigate you through this new media. They say old dogs can't learn new tricks. Come "join" my puppy training school where you are sure to become a show prized dog.

Social media connects you to your colleagues, friends and neighbours.  It is a canvas for you to showcase your brand, provide knowledge and build your community.

Real simple.
Real social.